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Category Archives: General Construction

Executive Dining & Buffet Room Remodel At The Westin Cape Coral Resort At Marina Village

Throughout Southwest Florida, First Service known to have a strict attention to detail with each service we provide, for every project. Having served the general construction needs of Tarpon Point for many years, we welcomed the opportunity to serve the construction needs of the Westin Cape Coral Resort at Marina Village, when an area of their facility needed remodeled. Once presented with the details to remodel the executive dining and buffet area, we jumped at the opportunity to exceed the expectations of this renowned Cape Coral resort.

Once the facilities demolition work was completed, our team at First Service went to work building a wall across the width of the room. We strategically placed the wall to center it between the exterior door and fire alarm handle, which allowed for an efficient use of the available space. Soundproof insulation was installed within all walls, and drywall was hung and completed with a level 4 finish. Accompanying columns and trim were also installed and matched to the wall.

Between the new wall we installed a sheetrock ceiling, while also raising the acoustic ceiling and grid of the executive dining space to the highest point possible with the existing ductwork and air conditioning equipment. Once complete we also framed in all plumbing not enclosed in the new ceiling height with a sheetrock chase, and installed stain grade crown baseboard and molding to match the existing trim of the restaurant as much as possible.

Once all work was completed, our painting division cleaned and painted the entire space including all flat ceilings to properly finish the project and provide the refined, modern look Tarpon Point is famous for. Our team’s dedication, experience, and unique skillset allowed us to efficiently and effectively exceed our customers expectations on this project, and we couldn’t be happier with the final product!

Cape Coral Shingle Roof Repair & Window Replacement

Our office was recently contacted by a customer seeking a roofing company to perform a shingle roof repair. What initially started off as a simple roof repair also led to a window replacement project. With our companies vast experience conducting remodels, build outs, and general contracting capabilities, we jumped at the opportunity to help this great customer. In addition to performing the roof repair, our team replaced 6 windows with 2 of them being arch top eyebrow styled. An issue with egress came up when replacing the bedroom window as the house was constructed in 1993 and the egress codes had changed a few years later. Our team enlarged the existing window opening in this room to install a larger window to meet the existing egress code. With a newly repaired roof and new windows, our customer can rest easy knowing their home was expertly repaired by our dedicated team at First Service!

Scope Of Work:

Provide permit, labor, and materials to complete shingle repair:

  • Removed shingles in affected areas up to 1 square from the eave to the bird box.
  • Replaced roof underlayment.
  • Install new shingles that match as close as possible in color and style.
  • Wall flashings were reused when salvageable. If they were not, the stucco was neatly cut to remove existing flashings.  New wall flashings were installed as well as stucco.  The walls were repainted to match the existing stucco as close as possible.
  • Jobsite and materials cleaned after completion.

Provide permit, labor, and materials to perform the window replacement:

  • Remove and install six new impact windows in two locations. Three in living room, one with archtop, 4 total windows.  One in guest bedroom with archtop, 2 total windows.
  • Patch exterior stucco and interior drywall as needed from installation of windows.
  • Install replacement screens.
  • Touch up paint and texture for stucco and drywall to match as close as possible.

Sidewalk Addition For Tarpon Point Resort

Our team at First Service proudly serves the general construction needs of those we serve. We’re proud to showcase this sidewalk addition we recently completed for Tarpon Point Marina. Our team constructed a retaining wall and installed a new sidewalk from the boat docks to the road at Tarpon Point. The final product turned out great and should serve Tarpon Point for years to come!

Scope Of Work:

Provide labor and materials for the below mentioned project.

  • Construct a retaining wall and install new sidewalk from docks to road.
  • Cut area from docks to road for a 6′ wide sidewalk, approximately 75′ linear feet.
  • Install cut face landscaping block as a retaining wall along hedge row, secure as needed.
  • Fill, compact, and grade base as needed for new sidewalk concrete forms.
  • Cut curbing at road to receive sidewalk forms, not to cut curb footer.
  • Pour 4″ of fiber reinforced concrete to a broom finish.
  • Upon completion the job site will be cleaned of all work-related debris.

Parking Project At Tarpon Point

Our office was recently awarded a contract to develop additional parking for marine and helicopter use at Tarpon Point in Cape Coral, FL. We completed the project in record time and are grateful for the opportunity to once again serve the general construction needs of our great client!

Scope Of Work:

Provide labor and materials for the below mentioned project:

  • Parking at Helipad Parking spots on both sides of driveway to start right after fire hydrant and catch basin on left hand side.
  • At entrance to helipad driveway, cut and grade as needed 4′ off driveway following existing radius both sides.
  • At driveway to helipad, grade area as needed for parking spots 16′ deep off driveway and approximately 100′ in length.
  • Install base, compact as needed, and top with #57 rock.
  • Extra spoils graded will be uses as needed or hauled away and disposed of properly.

Speed Bumps For Uptown At Liberty Park

We were recently hired by Uptown At Liberty Park to install a series of speed humps to slow down traffic moving through the facility. The installation of these speed humps aided in a reduced speed through their parking lots, and also helped to keep residents safe!

Naples Apartment Exterior Repaint & Repairs

A well known, Key West style apartment complex recently contracted First Service to complete an exterior commercial repaint of the clubhouse, laundry center, maintenance shed, pool house, and 7 residential buildings. As this is an ongoing project, we will keep you updated of its status as the project progresses.


  • Paint Manufacturer: Sherwin Williams
  • Paint System: One coat prime, one coat finish
  • Products: As per Sherwin Williams specification (SuperPaint Satin option will be used)
  • Surfaces Painted:
  • Stucco, EIFS, Brick and Other Masonry Surfaces
  • Wood Surfaces including Walkways & Steps
  • Exterior Side of Doors
  • Ferrous Metal Stairwells, Railings and Doors
  • Aluminum Soffit Gutters and Downspouts
  • Metal Drip Edge
  • Concrete Walkways (4 Coat System)

Scope Of Work

  1. Pressure wash all surfaces to be painted free of dirt and foreign material.
  2. Protect walkways and landscape from paint drips and overspray.
  3. Apply one coat of Sherwin Williams surface conditioner to building surfaces.
  4. Repair buildings cracks (up to 1/16th inch) with elastomeric patching compound. Remove any deteriorated sealants as needed and re-seal with specified sealant.
  5. Apply, via spray and or brush and roll as determined by First Service, one coat of Sherwin Williams paint in specified products to specified surfaces listed under “Surfaces Painted”.

Sherwin Williams 7-year limited product and labor warranty appended to the stucco portions of the work.

Buildings 1-5 (various services to be completed in specified units/areas)

  • Fill holes in foundation floor
  • Caulk around doors, seal threshold or add extension of identified units
  • Replace or fix missing or loose stair risers or tread and secure post and handrail
  • Replace rotten Fascia board, window trim or doors
  • Seal fire alarm conduit 
  • Fix electrical wire above Light
  • Remove old condenser drain line and fix stucco
  • Fix electrical J Box
  • Replace missing soffit panels
  • Reroute condenser drain line.
  • Remove old electrical conduit & patch wall
  • Replace outlet plates
  • Replace or fix damage or missing soffit panels
  • Replace rotten drip edge 1×2 boards

Buildings 6, 7, Clubhouse & Main Pool

  • Replace T1-11 with Hardie wood around house bib
  • Fascia and Soffit repairs
  • Rebuild electrical room, panel box and shed with one door using hardie board products
  • Remove and replace pressure treated wood with hardie board trim, caulk, putty and paint correctly
  • Cutout rotten cedar and replace with hardie board
  • Grind down concrete so it’s not a trip hazard
  • Pushback toe kicks on stairs in original condition and re-nail in multiple areas
  • Replace doors due to rusty and rotten conditions
  • Remove and replace curbing along sidewalk up to 12 feet
  • Remove and Replace trim with Hardie board
  • Repair all staircases on building six
  • Remove and dispose of concrete and re-pour
  • Cut out and replace 3 feet of trim around windows

Covered Walk Project For Tarpon Point

Our company was contracted to provide labor and material to complete the following aspects of a project for Tarpon Point as referenced below.

  • Prep site, paver protection, portable toilet, dumpster, etc.
  • Provide ground penetrating x-ray imaging prior to installing helical piles. (These pictures are in Dropbox)
  • Install 12 Helical Piles as specified per plans.
  • Form and pour concrete layout thru beam.
  • Install pre-engineered wood roof trusses, a 12′ span x 46’11-1/2″ hip roof based on wind criteria as noted on plans, trusses designed as category II.
  • Install tile roof to match existing buildings.
  • Apply stucco, finish to match existing surrounding buildings.
  • Prime New Stucco with Sherwin Williams Loxon Masonry Stucco Primer
  • Apply a consistent coat of Sherwin Williams Super Paint Exterior Satin to All Stucco Surfaces Colors to match Convention Center
  • Clean up jobsite location after completion of project.
  • Install six recessed lights in covered walk ceiling
  • Add two sconce lights on street side of covered walk
  • Install four outlets, one at top and one at bottom of both street side columns.
  • Adjust curbing, asphalt and pavers as needed to accommodate covered walk.